Cause sister?! That’s what this is all about!
As women, it’s no secret that we are our most relentless critics.
We get so caught up with the version of ourselves that we see in our bathroom mirror (ya know, the one we carefully inspect from every angle in that lovely fluorescent lighting).
From the moment you inquire to the second you have your images in hand (and beyond), I want to walk with you as you discover this truth...
you are the superwoman who has overcome life struggles, sickness, addiction, self-hate, abuse and infertility, and babe...
you are beautiful just as you are.
That mirror is a liar.
It might show you a basic reflection...but it doesn’t truly or wholly capture you.
My greatest work is in helping you uncover, appreciate, and celebrate everything about you that the
mirror is missing. You are more than a mama, wife, sister, best friend, & bossbabe.
Collections begin at $1100. Heirloom products are ordered at the time of your reveal. I know that it's difficult to make the decision to invest in yourself, but remember, You're worth it! We accept cash, credit cards, paypal, paypal credit and more.
- Full Consultation where we plan your session, pick a date and I answer your questions
- Personal styling and prep guide
- Mimosas and snacks to enjoy
- Access to client closet
- Soft tossed curls for that sexy, flippable look
- Jaw dropping makeup by my award winning in-house artist
- 2 outfit changes plus the nudies in the sheets (if your ready for it)!
- 90-minute session with expert posing guidance and expression coaching
- Professional retouching and editing of photos
- Personalized viewing session and ordering appointment
All of our product orders are fulfilled by a production team comprised of women. From the transfer of your digital uploads, to the binding and packaging of your album done by hand, an all-female team completes it all.