My gift and purpose are wrapped up in seeing you differently than you see yourself. While you look in the mirror and see everything you wish you could change, I see endless, beautiful possibilities: a woman with heart that gives and gives with no expectation of anything in return. This experience isn't just about rolling around in your skivvies (though, that is super fun). What I am really offering you is a safe space to explore--a day where you can leave all your roles, titles, and expectations that have been placed on you at the door. I want to give you a moment in time where you can foster the relationship you have with yourself--where you can fill the cup you've been pouring from, and bask in the freedom that can only come from leaning into vulnerability and embarking on a journey of self-discovery and unapologetic confidence. This is one day, that is all about you; it's about damn time you do something for yourself. You deserve it!